Wednesday, July 17, 2013

                    Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World

                           "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear." - Mark Twain
So far this has been a busy but blessed week.  Always feels good when Tuesday comes and everything was successfully accomplished and turned in for school.  Some weeks that can be more challenging than others but taking deep breaths and focusing on the goal gets me through.  I just have to remind myself how blessed I am to have this opportunity to get my degree and hopefully use it to help others.  Yesterday during a break from studying I decided to pray and refocus my energy.  I listened to a song during this time that helped my spirit relax and find peace.  Here is a link to the song on youtube if you want to check it out.

This weeks blog discussion focuses on taking an inventory of ourselves and ways we can work on improving our well-being.  I reflected for a few moments on how differently my answers are now as opposed to how I would have answered them 10 or more years ago.  I am so very thankful to be where I am today and the lifestyle choices that I made to get me to this point. 

On a scale of 1-10 I would say my physical well-being is an 8.  Even though my body has healed itself a great deal there are still areas that are weak and recovering.  Also, having had my appendix out and a complete hysterectomy there will always be minor challenges.  My goal is to continue using  healthy diet and exercise to continue strengthening my body.  I would rate my spiritual well-being as a 9.  Praying and communing with God has given me a focus and peace that is hard to explain unless you have experienced it.  As I read the bible and pray every day I know that I am not on this journey in life alone, the creator of the universe is with me at all times.  There are things I can improve like taking time memorizing scripture and spending more time in prayer.  I am a work in progress.  As for my psychological well-being it is probably an 8.  Menopause is upon me, need I say more.  I am fortunate to have grown up in a wonderful home and been married to my best friend for 37 years so I don't really have any major past baggage to deal with.  I am working on not dispensing so much "good" advice  to my youngest son (who is 33) and learning how to set better boundaries when I talk to and minister to some of the emotionally needy people around me.  God is helping to develop me every day on this journey called life.

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia, I enjoyed reading your blog, as I am also an older adult trying to finish my degree. I have a 34 and almost 31 year old daughters neither of whom have made me a grandma...and that is quite alright. I prefer they find a husband first and that is all in God's hands. I too have been married 37 years this past Jun 20 and can't say that I have any complaints as well. I am however, allowing my school work to keep me from spending time with God and His word, and that is bothersome to me. Like you, I have no one at home except my two small dogs who keeps me company, along with my finches. My husband although retired from the army, still works overseas in Afghanistan with the military. Thanks so much for sharing your blog, I truly enjoyed and appreciated your writing.
