Monday, July 22, 2013

                         Intentional Thoughts

This morning I finally had the time to do devote to listening to the audio clip Crime of the Century.  I decided that as part of being intentional with growing in my spiritual awareness I needed to put aside my previous negative feelings about last weeks meditation and start fresh with this one.  I sat in my favorite chair in our reading room, took off my socks, and turned on the meditation.  Truthfully, this weeks meditation was much more soothing and I was able to focus on the meditation and barely noticed the gentleman's voice in the background.  Everything seemed so relaxed and it was nice being able to meditate and regroup before I started my studying for the day.  Now, I don't have young children at home anymore, but I do have a 14 year old Maltese, Jewel, with bladder issues.  Just as he got to the part about focusing on my upper stomach area and envisioning a yellow beam of light coming down there was the familiar bark, bark, which translated means take me out now or I will pee on the floor.  So, I hit the pause button and took her majesty out.  In all fairness, being an older female myself I don't fault her too much as I do understand bladder issues.  After that I listened to the rest but wasn't able to fully relax again.  This is a meditation that I would use again. 


  1. Cynthia,

    Well, I must say that I am pretty bummed about not being able to hear the meditation video for this unit. I tried and tried, but couldn't get it to work on any of the computers at my disposal. Your description sounded relaxing even as I was merely reading it, so I can only imagine how soothing that clip must have been! I can relate to your plight about not being able to relax once you lose your "zone." For me, if I begin to relax and then something pops up that I must divert my attention to, I am unable to get back to that zone either. It seems like once I break the zone, my mind just begins to wonder and I think of all of the things that I could be doing in this time, or what still needs to be done for the week or the day, or whatever. I'm really hoping to be able to change that through this class somehow! Maybe even just learning about the importance of relaxation and some techniques through these clips will help! Talk soon!

  2. Cynthia,
    I am glad that you liked this meditation better than the last, but honestly, it wasn't for me anymore than the last. I like meditations that aren't guided as much, just soft peaceful music and it allows me to think about issues that stress me and let them leave my mind. However, I do like the ones that softly guide us to relax each part of our bodies and things like that, I just don't care for the ones that ask me to envision strange things like light coming out of my stomach or like one I had to do for a former class about imagining myself breathing through the top of my head. I just think it is strange. Thanks for sharing.
    Monica Fenty
