Saturday, July 27, 2013


                Cultivating Loving-Kindness
  Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
                                                                                           -Mark Twain-                

This weeks meditation was better for me than the last two weeks.  I think that part of that has to do with the fact that I found the ladies voice easier to listen to.  It wasn't difficult as the topic of loving-kindness is something that I focus on everyday in my prayer time as I think about and pray for family and friends.  In fact, on the desk top of my computer there is an accessory called media player that plays music from my iTunes and rotates pictures from my photo albums.  Every day I sit for 15 or 20 minutes meditating as I listen to the music, watch the pictures, and focus on the love I have for my family and friends. 
       I have found that loving-kindness is something that people you come in contact with can feel even when no words are spoken.  It comes from within and just flows out.  My husband asked me one day, after a trip to the market, why it was that random strangers seem to come up to me and just start talking and many times telling me personal problems that are bothering them.  The only answer I had at the time was that perhaps somehow they know that I honestly care enough to listen.  After our reading the last couple of weeks I definitely think that's true.  As to whether or not I would recommend this meditation to others, there are a few very nasty, difficult people I may suggest it too.  Just kidding, yes I would recommend it.

I think what Dacher means by mental-workout is simply exercising the brain.  Being willing to take time each day for contemplative practice as Dacher puts it.  He says to take an hour a day, which is optimal, but if someone only has 15 minutes or so I would encourage them to do what they can.  Something is better than nothing.  We learn from the time we are young the importance of getting adequate physical exercise but not much emphasis is put on exercising the brain.  As Dacher (2006) puts it "it is a way of  cross-training our body, mind, and spirit all at the same time".


  1. Cynthia,

    You are so wise! I love the fact that you have put together something to help you meditate each day which is facilitated through the love of your family. I am truly inspired! And I hope you don't find this offensive, but I may even try this for myself! I bet it helps with patience, and I'm sure it helps with increasing the love that you have for yourself and others. I also liked your description of a mental-workout. And I also liked how you said that something is better than nothing. Often times, I get so discouraged when I forget to do something that I just don't do it when I actually remember or think to do it, which is just shameful. But, like you said, even if it's just for the 15 minute ride to work each day, that's better than nothing!! I love reading your blogs!!!

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    I was so impressed by your use of media player to meditate and pray for people. What a great use of technology! I was thinking that it could be used also to foster feelings of forgiveness towards people that have hurt us. When others have hurt us, it can be a barrier to our experiencing wholeness and health. Sometimes forgiveness is a process, depending on how deep the wound. When that has been the case in my life, I have chosen to cultivate loving kindness for the person in the form of extending forgiveness repetitively and for as many days as necessary until I feel a sense of complete release. The motivating factor for all of this is, as you know, Matthew 18:21-35 :)

  3. Hi Cynthia, It's good to hear that you were finally able to get the meditation this week. I am still struggling but I just can't focus. My girlfriend has tried to get me to meditate before this class and I just can't relax. I am sure that your love for people is felt by others that's why people feel comfortable talking to you. When someone has a negative vibes around them you can tell just as easy as they can when its loving like your.
