Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reflections on Relaxation

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
                                                     John 14:27

Welcome to my blog.  This blog is dedicated to helping myself, as well as others find ways of becoming healthier in both body and spirit.  Finding ways to stay focused and centered in this crazy fast- paced society is challenging, but absolutely necessary if we wish to achieve wellness and health.  I have heard my husband say many times " Every day we wake up with the chance to be great.  Most of choose to be mediocre."  Let's all choose to be great.

For this week's blog we were supposed to listen to a relaxation exercise and relate our experience.  Now, in theory, I embrace prayer and meditation and use it often to reflect and relax.  In fact, the bible verse above refers to having peace in our lives. When I go to see my acupuncturist she has peaceful music playing which allows me to float away and meditate, taking my stress with it.  But I do have to say that the audio clip was not my cup of tea.  Frankly, I found the tenor of the gentleman's voice and his cadence annoying.  I was so focused on what he was saying that I really couldn't relax.  For me peaceful music is a much better vehicle for relaxation.  In fact, YouTube has several Christian meditations that I listen to for this purpose.  No offense meant to the person who did the audio clip, but it really did annoy me.


  1. Cynthia,
    I love that verse. I agree with you about using prayer and meditation to relax and reflect. I use this too; I often feel more relaxed during my prayer and reflection than if I try and meditate. I love any quiet time that I can get, with three young children under my feet, and quiet prayer and reflection is so valuable. If I try to meditate, I prefer just peaceful music or ocean or forest sounds as well, but I didn't mind the audio, Journey On, as I saw it, is more of a guided meditation; however, I prefer to relax without a stranger's voice. Either way, I do feel as if relaxation is key to wellness.
    Monica Fenty

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    it's interesting that you picked up on the tenor of the person's voice. Now that you mention it, I do agree that the way that the person speaking goes about doing the exercise is very important. I loved it when our professor did the guided relaxation exercise for us. I sensed compassion and peace in her voice, and that made me more receptive. I also loved that she mentioned the attitude of gratitude. I have been thinking of the word gratitude today, and it has helped me maintain a positive attitude despite the heat, a flat tire, and a generally very long day!
